
Tasmania 5 days tour

Day 1: Hobart to Strahan

Our journey begins as we traverse the island from east to west. Escaping Hobart through the Derwent Valley, we walk in the land of the giants and admire the beauty of Russell Falls and Mt Field National Park. Visit Lake St Clair, Australia's deepest freshwater lake. Enter the temperate time capsule that is the Franklin-Gordon Wild Rivers National Park. End the day in Strahan beside Macquarie Harbour. Our West Coast hosts welcome us with a BBQ dinner. Overnight: Strahan (dinner)

Day 2: Wild West Coast

Discover the Wild West coast today with a visit to Ocean Beach and the Henty Sand Dunes. Search for whale bones among the shifting sands or simply breathe in the freshest air in the world. Stroll by the foreshore of the harbour or walk through the rainforest to a waterfall. There is also the option today of a cruise on the famous Gordon River, a scenic sea plane flight over the Gordon and Franklin River system complete with a river landing and walk, a journey up the King River on a jet boat, a peaceful paddle on a kayak, or catching a salmon in the harbour. [Strahan optional activities at own expense]. Overnight: Strahan (breakfast)

Day 3: Cradle Mountain to Launceston

We journey to 950m above sea level to the Cradle Valley, our gateway to the World Heritage Area of Cradle Mountain National Park. We share some local knowledge and interpretation of the landscape to help you choose a walk that will enhance your experience here. With an extensive range of tracks, you will be able to take it easy with a stroll around Dove Lake and one of the many boardwalk tracks, or perhaps challenge yourself with a hike to Marion's Lookout. A short drive to Sheffield, "the town of murals" - before continuing on to Launceston, Australia's third oldest city. Overnight: Launceston (breakfast)

Day 4: Launceston to Bicheno

A morning walk at Cataract Gorge in the heart of Launceston before making our way to the East Coast and the beautiful Bay of Fires. Here we can stretch our legs with some quality time to enjoy this highly recommended coastal region (Lonely Planet's must see for 2009). The beaches are gleaming and the water inviting. Perhaps a swim? (Conditions permitting). Enjoy Tasmania's most scenic coastal drive from St Helens to Bicheno. This evening you can join a guided viewing of the Little Penguins (optional in season) as they return to their rookeries on the edges of this seaside village. Overnight: Bicheno (breakfast)

Day 5: Freycinet National Park to Hobart

An early start means we are the first to the lookout, beating the crowds and the heat for that postcard photo of Wineglass Bay. Relax on the secluded beach or choose the more challenging Mt Amos or Hazards Beach walk for your morning's Freycinet experience. This afternoon we take a break at the picturesque historical village of Ross. Sample the local Ross Bakery fare, or check out the convict built bridge. Come face-to-face with the iconic Tassie Devil as we make a stop at Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary to meet these now endangered native animals - as well as some others unique to Tasmania. A short drive returns us to Hobart. Finish: Hobart (breakfast)



一早乘航機(¤機票自理)抵達塔斯馬尼亞首府Hobart★侯巴特,中文導遊接機後前往美麗的Richmond★理奇蒙-澳洲保留最完善的古老小鎮之一,你會看到澳大利亞最古老的橋樑及天主教堂,漫步街頭,體會時光倒流的奇趣。理奇蒙亦有很多茶座、畫廊和工藝店,是遊客購買塔斯曼尼亞特產的好地方。隨後前往參觀當地的★葡萄酒莊園,若遇當地生蠔場(參觀¤門票自理)正好開門,更可前往一覽(如果大多數團友有要求)。下午前往海拔1279米的★威靈頓山,雄偉的威靈頓山是澳洲真正“一覽眾山小”的南天第一峰,除非積雪過厚,車輛可直達峰頂,是俯瞰最具英國特點的侯巴特市區全景和遠眺南極的最佳位置,山下綠樹成蔭,花草茂盛,山頂則是怪石嶙峋,寒風撲面。從山腳到山頂的短短30分鐘時間裏,體會由溫帶到寒帶的轉變。威靈頓山頂也是驗證塔斯馬尼亞80公里肉眼可見度的最佳地點。最後遊覽侯巴特市區,包括侯巴特★維多利亞碼頭、澳洲第一家★孤島賭場、澳洲最古老啤酒廠-卡斯科特★Cascade Brewery啤酒廠(內部參觀¤門票自理)遊覽,從遠處望去,酒廠猶如一個巨大的法國城堡偎依在威靈頓山的懷抱之中;該廠至今仍採用從威靈頓山上流下來的清甜泉水和塔斯馬尼亞生產的啤酒花和大麥釀製啤酒,酒廠裏面還設有博物館,展示著酒廠的歷史圖片和實物。(若逢週六,可遊覽每週一次的露天集市撒拉曼卡集市替代啤酒廠-如果大多數團友有要求)。約5:00pm左右送酒店登記入宿。(住宿)


早上導遊從酒店將遊客接往塔斯曼半島的Port Arthur★亞瑟港-澳大利亞最美的海港之一,亦是殖民地時代的罪犯監獄,保留了監獄建築和完善的博物館。如今是舉世聞名的旅遊勝地,幾乎每個去塔斯馬尼亞旅行的遊客,都會專程到訪亞瑟港。亞瑟港位置得天獨厚,青山綠水、藍天白雲,與歷史遺跡交相輝映。遊客或漫步林蔭道,或在草地上野餐閒談,仿佛百年來累積的戾氣,早已化為一片祥和。遊程中我們更將乘坐★亞瑟港內遊船(船費含),縱覽塔斯馬尼亞第一旅遊點的歷史遺址。前往或回程亞瑟港的旅途中,遊覽塔斯曼半島的四大自然奇觀★噴水洞、塔斯曼拱門、棋盤道和魔鬼廚房。夏天還可參觀草莓農場(¤自費參考價$8/每人)或果園(¤自費參考價$8/每人)。



今天我們將深入Freycinet Peninsula★費辛娜半島,體驗美麗的東部海島風光。酒杯灣是世界十大最美麗的海灣之一。美國旅遊雜志《Outside》在1999年將Wineglass Bay★酒杯灣譽為“世界十大海灘”之一,評論描述:沙灘與塔斯馬海形成輪廓分明的半月形狀,猶如‘祝君愉快’扣針紐上的笑臉一般。它坐落在群山之中,美麗不外露,遊客們必須登高,花費一番力氣之後才能領略到她的美麗。其他著名景點包括:塔司馬尼亞最高的★海洋瞭望台,Honeymoon Bay★蜜月灣、Sleepy Bay★欲睡灣、Great Oyster Bay★牡蠣灣等。



Cradle Mt.★搖籃山是世界聞名的塔司馬尼亞世界文化遺迹保護區之一,位於聖嘉利湖國家公園內。搖籃山附近高山起伏不平,而且常有冰川融化,水流入低地成為湖泊,湖光山色美不勝收。我們大概需要3小時圍著Dove Lake★多芬湖漫步一週,享受多芬湖的洗禮,欣賞多芬湖“潭面無風鏡未磨”寧靜似畫的美景,體會完全融入大自然而忘我的境界。秀麗的搖籃山安閑的倒影在平靜的多芬湖面,清涼的小溪輕快的穿過翠綠的山林,蒼勁的古樹安靜的屹立在清澈減低的湖面,惟有偶爾傳來的幾聲清脆的鳥叫蟲鳴,才使人夢醒不是身處圖畫中。回程途中經過★蜂蜜工廠,遊客可以在這裏免費品嘗各式各樣的蜂蜜産品,也可以購買一些做為饋贈親友的禮物。(住宿、早餐)


朗瑟斯頓是塔斯馬尼亞的第二大城市,也是澳洲第三古老的城市,曾被評選為最適合人類居住的城市。朗瑟斯頓的最大特點是不出市區就可以看到壯觀的Cataract Gorge★卡塔瑞克特峽穀和風景秀麗的Swiss Valley★瑞士文化村。夏季月份,如時間許可,喜歡品酒的遊客可以參觀塔瑪河畔附近的★酒莊,並買些紅酒作為禮物帶給朋友。或選擇前往參觀南半球最大的熏衣草農場★Bridestowe Estate Lavender Farm(季節性12月-2月¤自費參考價$15/p.p,直接付導遊司機)。後導遊將您送往Hobart霍巴特機場或朗瑟斯頓機場(需四人以上),乘航機(¤機票自理)回程,結束整個歡樂的旅程。(早餐)

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